Regular Meeting
2, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.
Committee will meet at 5:00 P.M.
Greenfield Community College
Downtown Center
Main Street, Room 313, Greenfield, MA 01301
1. Convene-
Roll call and introduction of guests
2. Executive
a. The
Board of Commissioners will enter executive session to discuss the discipline
or dismissal of an employee
b. The Board of Commissioners will continue in executive session to discuss strategy
with respect to litigation
c. The
Board will then convene in regular session to conduct the business of the
3. Topics
for discussion and possible action:
a. Approve
minutes of the March 5, 2012 regular meeting of the HRA Board of Commissioners
b. Acknowledge
receipt of the March 2012 accounts payable warrant
c. Approve
revisions to the Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan Chapters 11
and 5
d. Approve
changes in the job descriptions for the following positions: Accounting Clerk,
Receptionist, Administrative Coordinator, and Assistant Director of Community
e. Execute
a contract extension between DHCD and HRA for the installation of low-flow
f. Approve a sub-grantee agreement between the HRA
and the Town of Shelburne
for the Buckland window replacement project
g. Review
and accept new minimum wage requirements for maintenance staff effective
retroactively to 4/1/2012
h. Discussion
and possible action regarding HRA investment accounts
i. Authorize Matthew Leger-Small to countersign HRA
checks requiring dual signatures
j. Approve a vacation request from the Executive
k. Accept
a conflict of interest disclosure from the Executive Director
4. Executive
Director’s Report to the Board of Commissioners to include:
a. Policy
b. Personnel
c. Program
d. Finance
e. Staff
Reports will be distributed to commissioners in advance of the meeting
agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman,
Executive Director.