Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
March 5, 2012 at 6:00
Finance Committee will meet at 5:00 P.M.
HRA Office - 42 Canal Road, Turners
Falls, MA
1. Convene-
Roll call and introduction of guests
2. Topics
for discussion and possible action:
a. Approve
minutes of the February 6, 2012 regular meeting of the HRA Board of
b. Acknowledge
receipt of the February 2012 accounts payable warrant
c. Adopt
revised eligibility/income limits for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program
d. Award
a construction contract for the Stratton Manor modernization project
e. Appoint
Robin Sherman, Executive Director,
as Chief Contract Officer for the Stratton Manor modernization project
Appoint Bruce Hunter,
Assistant Director of Community Development, as Alternate Chief Contract
g. Approve
draft job description for Maintenance/Mechanic Laborer Working Foreman
h. Approve
draft housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund agreement
Execute Certificate of Final Completion in
connection with Work Plan 1023
3. Executive
Director’s Report to the Board of Commissioners to include:
a. Policy
b. Personnel
c. Program
d. Finance
4. Staff
Reports to be distributed to commissioners in advance of the meeting
This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director
This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director