Wednesday, July 29, 2020

HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
August 3, 2020
Via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 885 3559 8032
Passcode: 984252
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+1 312 626 6799 US
Meeting ID: 885 3559 8032
Passcode: 984252
1. Convene

2.  Actions

a. Approve the July 6, 2020 regular and Annual Plan meeting minutes of the Board.
b. Approve the July 2020 AP Warrant.
c. Approve amended FY 2020 budget.
d. Approve Contract for architectural services- COVID related office building modification.
e. Authorize the execution of the CDBG Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) Program with Town of Agawam.
f.  Authorize and approve the Community Preservation Act Grant Agreement for Rental Assistance Program between the Town of Sunderland and HRA. 
g. Authorize and approve the Agreement between HRA and FRCOG related to Services for Housing Access Policy, Systems, and Environment Change.
h. Approve the HRA Board of Commissioners Description as amended. 
i. Review revised Grievance Policy.

3. Staff Reports summarizing the HRA department activities for the month of July 2020 will be distributed in advance and reviewed at this meeting.

4. Other Business
a.    Leslie Brown gives RDI update
b.    Board member contact information

5.  Documents for Informational Purposes
6. Other business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance

7. Resident and Public Participation

8.  Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Gina Govoni, Executive Director