Regular Meeting (rescheduled)
October 19, 2015 at 6:20 P.M.
The HRA Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.
Savings Bank
Avenue A
Falls, MA 01376
1. Convene
2. Actions
- Approve
minutes of the September 21, 2015 regular meeting of the Board
- AP
Warrant for September 2015
- Authorize
executive of Executive Director contract
i. Take
authorizing votes for new Executive Director
- Appoint
Chief Procurement officer
- Appoint
signatories on HRA CD bank accounts
- Discussion
and possible vote regarding the section 8 homeownership program
- Approve
of agreements with various towns for writing FY16 CDBG grants
- Extend
grant agreement for Attorney’s General’s grant in Orange
- Approve
SEMAP submission
- Approve
amendment to CEDAC HMLP contract, increasing by $4000 for total of $9000
- Approve
change in job description for Housing Administrative Assistant
- Authorize
execution of FY15 Shelburne 3-Town Housing Rehabilitation sub-grantee
- Authorize
execution and submission of GIC designated governmental entity form
- Authorize
revisions to the HRA CORI policy
- Approve
submission of capital improvement plan for state-aided public housing for
3. Other
4. Staff
reports will
be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting
5. Adjourn