Thursday, September 27, 2012

HRA Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting October

Regular Meeting
October 1, 2012 at 6:20 P.M.

GCC Downtown Center
270 Main Street, Room 119
Greenfield, MA 01301

The regular meeting will be preceded by the annual meeting at 6:00 P.M.
The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.

1.      Convene- Roll call and introduction of guests and welcome new commissioner

2.      Executive Session-

a.     The Board of Commissioners will enter into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation

3.      Actions
    1. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 10, 2012
    2. Approve the accounts payable warrant for September 2012
    3. Review, discuss, and approve a budget for FY13.
    4. Approve description for Housing Placement and Stabilization Worker
    5. Authorize Executive Director to execute a certificate of substantial completion in connection with a window replacement project at 37 Clement Street, Buckland.

4.      Other Business

a.      Discuss meeting locations for future meetings of the HRA Board.

5.      Executive Director’s Report

6.      Staff reports will be distributed in advance of the meeting.

7.      Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director