Regular Meeting
10, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.
HRA Main Office
Canal Road, Turners Falls, MA 01376
The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.
1. Convene-
Roll call and introduction of guests
2. Actions
- Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 21, 2012
- Approve the accounts payable warrant for August 2012
- Authorize the opening of a checking account with Greenfield Savings Bank
- Designate signatories for new checking account at Greenfield Savings Bank
- Approve revisions to Chapter 17 of the Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan dealing with project-based vouchers
- Approve payment standards for use in the administration of the Housing Choice Voucher program
- Correct a vote concerning waste removal to reflect a start date of September 1, 2012
3. Other
a. Discuss
FY13 draft budget
4. Executive
Director’s Report
5. Staff
reports will be distributed in advance of the meeting.
6. Adjourn
agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman,
Executive Director