Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
November 19, 2020
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Meeting ID: 842 6489 4912
Passcode: 731135
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Meeting ID: 842 6489 4912
Passcode: 731135
1. Convene
a. Approve Section 8 Management
Assessment Program (SEMAP) Submission
b. Approve the PHA Annual Plan
c. Approve the minutes of the September
14, 2020 regular meeting of the Board as prepared
d. Approve the September and October 2020
AP Warrant
e. Approve HRA Personnel Handbook
V.15 as amended
f. Approve Management Services
Agreements with SHA and HRA
Approve Management Services Agreements with RDI
Approve the proposed meeting dates for calendar year 2021
i. Pathway Contract
j. Orange Social Service
3. Staff Reports summarizing the HRA
department activities for the month of September & October 2020 and will be
distributed in advance and reviewed at this meeting.
4. Other Business
a. Leslie Brown gives RDI update
b. Board member contact information
5. Documents for Informational Purposes
6. Other business not reasonably anticipated 48
hours in advance
7. Adjourn
This agenda was prepared by Gina Govoni, Executive Director