Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Kulik Meeting Room
241 Millers Falls Road
Turners Falls, MA 01376

1. Convene

2. FY18 audit presentation by Mike Guyder

3. Actions
a. Approve the minutes of the July 16, 2019 regular meeting of the Board as prepared.
b. Approve the July 2019 AP Warrant.
c. Approve and Authorize additional signatories on all HRA bank accounts, removing signatory, William H. Abrashkin.
d. Approve amended Director of Finance Job Description.
e. Approve amended Staff Accountant Job Description.
f. Approve amended Asset Management Assistant Job Description.
g. Authorize Leased Housing Director, Katelyn Reardon to submit an application for additional mainstream vouchers.
h. Approve amended Handbook Receipt Acknowledgement Form.
i. Approve amended and added language to the Personnel Handbook under 
section &, Training & Extended Travel.
j. Approve the amended Travel Policy.
K. Approve and accept the RCAT Program Terms of Services.
l. Approve CEDAC Construction Monitoring Services Consultant Agreement

4. Staff Reports summarizing the HRA department activities for the month of July 2019 and will be distributed in advance and reviewed at this meeting.

5. Other Business
           m. Leslie Brown gives RDI update
           n.  Review and discuss current HRA Bylaws

6. Documents for Informational Purposes
          o. June/July MassNAHRO Newsletter
          p. PHN 2019-02-Mobile Voucher Maximum Rents
         q.  Board member contact information

7. Other business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance

8.  Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Gina Govoni, Executive Director