HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
October 16, 2017 at 6:00 PM
Greenfield Community College
1 College Drive
Room C208
Greenfield, MA 01301
1 1. Convene
2. Executive Session
3 3. Executive Director’s Report
4 4. Actions
a. Approve minutes of the September 11, 2017 regular meeting of the Board
b. Approve the September 2017 AP Warrant
c. Authorize the execution of Lead Paint Notification Compliance
d. Authorize the execution of the FY18 HCEC contract
e. Authorize the Executive Director to execute the following Community
Development Block Grant-related contracts and agreements
Contract with the Town of Montague for administration of the FY17 CDBG grant
Contract with the Town of Leverette
Four Town Regional Grant(with Conway, Deerfield and Sunderland) for
administration of the FY17 CDBG grant
Approve revised utility allowance charts
g. Approve the Franklin County 5001 amendment 7 formula funding award
Approve the Executive Director’s contract
5. Other Business
a. Staff reports
b. Board member contact information
6 6. Other business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours
in advance
7. Adjourn
This agenda was prepared by Frances Pheeny, Executive Director