Regular Meeting
6, 2016 at 6:00 P.M.
Savings Bank
Avenue A
Falls, MA 01376
1. Convene
2. Actions
a. Approve
minutes of the May 2, 2016 regular meeting of the Board
b. Review
of FY15 audit by Mike Guyder
c. Approve
modifications to Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan
d. Approve
accounts payable warrant for May 2016
f. Review
of FY16 and FY17 Operating Budget Expense Allocation Plan
g. Renew
lease agreements with RDI for CD office space and garage
h. Appoint
Chief Procurement Officer
i. Authorize
a Business Online Agreement with Greenfield Savings Bank
j. Assignment
of mortgages to the Town of Greenfield
k. Certificate
of Final Completion – windows project at Oaklawn
l. Award
and authorize the execution of a contract for Stratton Manor Trombe wall
project #358087
m. Award
and authorize the execution of a contract for Stratton Manor and Squakheag
Village appliance project #358088
n. Award
and authorize the execution of a contract for boiler replacement project for
Chapter 705 projects in Bernardston and Orange # 358091
o. Approve
creation of a sick time bank
3. Other
a. Update
board member contact information
b. FY19
formula funding award
c. Public
Housing Notice 2016-13 re: board training
d. Public
Housing Notice 2016-14 re: RCAT Program Guidelines
e. Public
Housing Notice 2016-15 re: risk management
4. Staff
reports will
be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting
5. Other
business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance
6. Adjourn
This agenda was prepared by Frances Pheeny, Executive Director