Regular Meeting
August 17, 2015 at 6:00 P.M.
The HRA Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.
Savings Bank
Avenue A
Falls, MA 01376
1. Convene
2. Actions
- Report
from Carl Sussman regarding the HRA strategic planning process
- Hiring
process for Executive Director
- Approve
the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 6, 2015
- Approve
accounts payable warrant for July 2015
- Approve
change order #1 with Kaltner Construction for state-assisted housing project
- Approve
changes to Section 4.16 of the HRA Personnel Policy regarding HRA credit
- Approve
changes to Section 3.10 of the HRA Personnel Policy regarding resignation
and retirement
- Approve
amendment #4 to the contract with Geosite for Housing Quality Standards
- Award
waste removal contract for HRA state-assisted housing properties and HRA
- Authorize
Executive Director to execute the following Community Development Block
Grant-related contracts and agreements
i. Contract
with the Town of Montague for administration of Montague FY15 CDF grant
ii. Contract
with the Town of Erving for administration of Erving FY15 CDF grant
iii. Subgrantee
agreement with the Town of Shelburne for administration of the housing
rehabilitation program portion of FY15 CDF grant
iv. Agreement
for administration of the housing rehabilitation revolving loan program for the
Town of Rowe.
- Approve
revised utility allowance charts
- Approve amendment to consulting agreement with CEDAC
3. Other
4. Staff
reports will
be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting
5. Adjourn