Thursday, April 3, 2014

HRA Board of Commissioners Meeting- April

HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
April 7, 2014 at 6 P.M.

The HRA Finance Committee will not meet in April

Greenfield Savings Bank
282 Avenue A
Turners Falls, MA 01376
1.    Convene

2.    Actions
    1. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 3, 2014
    2. Approve the accounts payable warrant for March 2014
    3. Recognize the service of Linda Davenport
    4. Approve operating subsidy agreement between HRA and DHCD
    5. Approve agreement with Town of Ashfield to administer CDBG-DR grant
    6. Authorize purchase of dump truck
    7. Authorize lease of postage machine
    8. Ratify agreements with SNI Companies for two temporary employees
    9. Approve amendment to contract with GeoSite, Inc.
    10. Approve budget amendment to include additional money for snow removal costs
    11. Approve second amendment to DHCD contract for HAS benefit
    12. Approve management agreement with Orange Teen Housing, Inc.
    13. Approve increases in Section 8 expenses due to changes in the department
    14. Approve part-time employment for Linda Davenport
    15. Approve participation in MassLEAP
    16. Accept report of the Executive Director Evaluation Committee 
3.    Other Business
a.    Discuss Homeownership Collaborative
b.    Report on maintenance wages and use of reserves
c.    Financial report
d.    Discuss structural budget issues

4.    Staff reports will be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting.

5.    Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director