HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
September 9, 2013 at 6:00
**REVISED 09/06/2013**
Greenfield Savings Bank
282 Avenue A
Turners Falls, MA 01376
*The finance committee will
not meet in September*
- Convene- Roll call and introduction of guests
- Executive Session- The HRA Board of Commissioners will meet in executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation
- Actions
- Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 5, 2013
- Approve the accounts payable warrant for August 2013
- Approve Fair Market Rents
- Approve revised Utility Charts
- Approve and authorize execution of FY2014 RAFT contract
- Authorize execution of professional services agreement for Montague CDBG Grant
- Authorize execution of professional services agreement for Bernardston CDBG Grant
- Award and authorize execution of a contract for roof replacement at 667-2 property in Northfield
- Approve and authorize execution of WMECO energy improvement agreements
- Accept agreement for federal share of reimbursement under FEMA-4110-DR-MA for reimbursement of HRA expenses for storm damage and authorize Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Director to execute and sign documents
- Review and discuss draft operating budget for FY14
- Approve increase in rent for Smikes House
- Approve revisions to or creation of the following job descriptions
i. Community Development Administrative Assistantii. Housing Counseloriii. Senior Staff Accountantiv. Staff Accountantv. Administrative Coordinator- Approve compensation schedule for FY14
- Appoint a nominating committee
- Discuss Executive Director Performance Evaluation Committee and set meeting date
- Discuss Housing Authority Reform update and public hearings (possible vote)
- Discuss ballot initiative campaign (possible vote)
- Request from Ashfield House tenant for discount on cost of providing public records
- Discuss request from Ashfield House tenant to be added to agenda (possible vote)
- Other Business
- Staff reports will be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting.
- Adjourn
agenda was prepared by Robin
Sherman, Executive Director