HRA Board of
Rescheduled Regular
December 17, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.
Greenfield Savings Bank
282 Avenue A
Turners Falls, MA
The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.
1. Convene- Roll call and introduction of guests
2. Executive Session
a. The Board of Commissioners will enter into executive session to discuss
strategy with respect to litigation
3. Actions
- Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on
November 5, 2012
- Approve the accounts
payable warrant for November 2012
- Review and approve revisions to the budget
for the Simon Smikes House
- Approve FY13 Income Limits as published by
HUD effective retroactively to December 4, 2012
- Appoint representatives of the HRA Board of
Commissioners to the Board of Directors of Rural Development, Inc.
- Approve contract with Associated Elevator for
maintenance of elevators at Stoughton
Place and Squakheag Village
- Renew management agreement between HRA and
the Wisdom Way Solar Village Condominium Trust
- Approve execution of certificate of final
completion for Buckland window project at Clement Street, Buckland
- Approve final payment to Gentlemen Painting
for the completion of the Buckland window project at Clement Street, Buckland
- Execute Certification of Compliance with
Notification Procedures for Federal and State Lead Paint Laws
- Award contract for office cleaning services
- Authorize Executive Director to sign
subcontract agreement with HAP for financial literacy and foreclosure
prevention services
- Authorize Executive Director to sign
contract between HRA and HAP, Inc. for inspection services
- Ratify application to the Town of Whately for
Community Preservation Act funds for preservation of Smikes House
- Approve closure of HRA offices on December
24, 2012
4. Other Business
a. None.
5. Executive Director’s Report
6. Staff reports will be distributed in
advance of the meeting.
7. Adjourn
This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director