Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Invitation to Bid


The Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority (FCRHRA), the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from General Building Construction Contractors for the West River Street Public Housing Modernization Project, DHCD #358074 in Orange, MA, in accordance with the documents prepared by Bradley Architects, Inc.

The Project includes:  Replace existing roofing, siding, windows, porch canopies and railings, gutters and downspouts. Site work includes asphalt paving, fencing, walkways, new storage shed, and drainage.
The work is estimated to cost $147,000.
Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 §44A-J & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 §§26 to 27H inclusive.
THIS PROJECT IS BEING ELECTRONICALLY BID AND HARD COPY BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Please review the instructions in the bid documents on how to register as an electronic bidder.  The bids are to be prepared and submitted at .  Tutorials and instructions on how to complete the electronic bid documents are available online (click on the “Tutorial” tab at the bottom footer).

General bidders must be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) in the category of General Building Construction, and must submit with its bid a current DCAMM Certificate of Eligibility and signed Update Statement (Form CQ 3).

General Bids will be received until 2:00 PM on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 and publicly opened online, forthwith.
All Bids shall be submitted electronically online at no later than the date and time specified above.

General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at (may be viewed electronically and hardcopy requested) or at Nashoba Blue, Inc. at 433 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (978-568-1167)

There is a plan deposit of $ 50.00  per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to BidDocs Online Inc.

Deposits may be electronically paid or must be a certified or cashier's check.  This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for sub-bidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of general bids.  Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority.
Additional sets may be purchased for $50.00
Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $40.00 per set for UPS Ground (or $65.00 per set for UPS overnight), payable to the BidDocs Online Inc., to cover mail handling costs.
Remove or Revise the Following Paragraph When Appropriate
A pre-bid conference will be held at the project site at 66 West River Street, Orange, MA at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, February 17, 2016.

This project is funded in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development under the Community Development Block Grant Program.

This project is subject to Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, and Equal Employment Opportunity.

The contract documents may be seen, but not removed at:

Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority
42 Canal Street
Turners Falls, MA 01376

Nashoba Blue, Inc.
433 Main Street
Hudson, MA 01749
