Thursday, July 5, 2018

HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Monday, July 9, 2018

Franklin Country Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Agency Classroom
241 Millers Falls Road
Turners Falls, MA 01376

1.       Convene

2.  Executive Director’s Report

      3. Actions
a.      Approve the Minutes of the June 4, 2018  regular meeting of the Board
b.      Approve the June 2018 AP Warrant
c.      Approve the contract for DHCD#358104 limited Interior Renovations by and between Renaissance Builders and Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority
d.      Authorize and approve lease amendment to add language regarding a fee charged to tenants for after hour lock outs.
e.      Signage Request in Charlemont
f.        Approve the DHCD advanced RAFT and HomeBASE Contracts
g.      Approve  Revised Job Descriptions for the Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, Affordable Housing Property Manager and RAFT Administrator

      4. Other Business
h.      Franklin County Retirement Plan
i.         Leslie Brown gives RDI update
j.         Formula Funding awarded for Fiscal Year 2021
k.       Budget Approval from DHCD
l.         Article: Analysis: HUD plan would raise rents for poor by 20 percent
m.     Article: Out of Reach 2018: Massachusetts
n.      Public Housing Notice 2-18-10-CHAMP Rollout in Concert with Blanket Waiver to 760 CMR 5.00
o.      NAHRO Newsletter June 2018
p.      Board member contact information

    5. Staff Reports summarizing the HRA department activities for the month of June 2018 will be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting

   6. Other business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance

   7. Adjourn

      This agenda was prepared by Frances Pheeny, Executive Director