Friday, May 30, 2014

HRA Board of Commissioners Meeting - June

HRA Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
June 2, 2014 at 6 P.M.


The HRA Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.

Greenfield Savings Bank
282 Avenue A
Turners Falls, MA 01376

1.    Convene

2.    Introductions- Pam Parmakian

3.    Actions
    1. Accept FY 2013 audit following report from auditor
    2. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 15, 2014
    3. Approve the accounts payable warrant for May 2014
    4. Declare surplus inventory
    5. Approve revisions to authorized users list in HRA’s CORI policy
    6. Discussion and possible vote regarding the Franklin Regional Energy Smart Homes program
    7. Approve revisions to Chapter 17 of the HCV Administrative Plan

4.    Other Business
a.    Discuss first and second sections of DHCD’s Commissioner Handbook
b.    Discuss consulting services
c.    Discuss availability for a special meeting in June

5.    Staff reports will be distributed in advance and reviewed at the meeting. Internal financial reports for April will be available at the meeting. 

6.    Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director