Monday, July 9, 2012

July HRA Board of Commissioners Meeting **REVISED**

**REVISED 07/11/12**

Rescheduled Regular Meeting
July 12, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.

HRA Main Office
42 Canal Road, Turners Falls, MA 01376

The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 P.M.

1.      Convene- Roll call and introduction of guests

2.      Actions
a.      Approve the minutes of the special meeting held on May 02, 2012
b.      Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 04, 2012
c.       Approve the accounts payable warrant for June 2012
d.      Approve Executive Director’s time sheets and travel reimbursement forms
e.      Write off uncollectable tenant debt
f.        Approve revisions to the HRA Personnel Policy
                                       i.      Revised credit card policy
                                      ii.      Revised travel reimbursement policy
                                     iii.      Information security policy and Written Information Security Plan
g.      Approve a revised CORI policy
h.      Approve the Housing Choice Voucher Program Annual Plan
i.        Approve revised utility charts
j.        Award a contract for Stratton Manor sidewalk and parking lot paving project
k.      Approve a contract between FCRHRA and CEDAC for construction monitoring  services for the Home Improvement Loan Program
l.        Appoint board representatives to CDBG loan forgiveness review committee
m.     Approve a change in the job description for the Leased Housing Inspector
n.      Appoint a search committee for the Community Development Director position
o.      Appoint an executive director evaluation committee
p.      Appoint a compensation review committee

3.      Possible Actions—the Board may be asked to take action on these items if documents are received by HRA prior to the meeting
a.      Approve and execute HCEC contract
b.      Approve and execute RAFT contract
c.       Approve and execute HomeBASE contract

4.      Other Business
a.      State Ethics Commission online training.
b.      Rescheduling board meeting in August

5.      Executive Director’s Report

6.      Staff reports will be distributed in advance of the meeting.

7.      Adjourn

This agenda was prepared by Robin Sherman, Executive Director